Personal Information Protection Policy

Kyokuto Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') is committed to handling our customers' personal information with the utmost care, based on our Personal Information Protection Policy. Below is our approach to handling personal information.

1.Organizational Activities for Personal Information Protection

Executives and all employees will comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms related to the handling of personal information. A designated person responsible for personal information protection will be appointed, who will have the authority and responsibility to implement and operate personal information protection measures. The personal information protection policy will be regularly reviewed and improved to adapt to environmental and social changes. This policy will be posted on our website for customers to view at any time.

2.Handling of Personal Information

We will clarify the purpose of use at the time of acquisition, and use the acquired personal information within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose. Appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that personal information is not handled beyond the scope necessary for achieving the specified purpose. When disclosure or correction is requested, we will confirm that the request is from the individual and respond promptly within a reasonable period and scope. We will also handle complaints and consultations regarding personal information appropriately.

We strive to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date and take measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. Regular inspections will be conducted to prevent personal information incidents

We do not directly acquire sensitive or special personal information from customers. When handling such information, we will obtain direct consent from customers. We do not provide personal information to third parties or foreign entities.

In the event of an accident involving personal information, we will promptly report it and take measures to prevent the spread of damage, analyze the cause, and implement measures to prevent recurrence.

For requests to confirm or correct personal information held by the Company, please contact our "Personal Information Consultation Desk" listed at the end of this document. We will confirm that the request is from the individual and respond promptly within a reasonable scope.

When outsourcing the processing of personal information, we will ensure appropriate management by contract to prevent leakage or re-provision. Personal information entrusted to us will be managed strictly and used within the scope of the contract.

In addition to complying with Japanese laws and guidelines related to personal information protection, we will handle specific personal information appropriately in accordance with the "Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures" and related guidelines.

Date of Enactment: April 1, 2022
Kyokuto Electronics Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Sun Xu Li

Handling of Personal Information

Kyokuto Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") places the utmost importance on the protection of personal information in accordance with our Personal Information Protection Policy. Below, we outline our approach to handling personal information.

Use of Personal Information

The personal information we collect is used solely within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of our business activities. We collect personal information for the following purposes:

Personal Information Obtained Through Inquiries

  • To respond to opinions and inquiries from customers
  • To handle press releases, new business dealings, and other related tasks
  • For identity verification
  • To provide various services offered by the Company, send materials, and to create aggregated and statistical data for understanding service usage and improving quality
  • Personal Information Obtained Through Our Business Activities

2 To contact and respond to customers (including support and repair requests)

  • To provide services related to our business activities
  • To inform customers about our business services
  • Personal Information Obtained Through Commissioned Work

To perform commissioned tasks

  • Personal Information Obtained Through Recruitment Applications

For the selection of applicants and communication regarding recruitment

  • 応募された方の採用選考や応募者の方への諸連絡のため

Shared Use of Personal Information

To better serve our customers, we may share the following personal data with group companies:

Shared Personal Data
  • Personal information obtained through inquiries
  • Personal information obtained through our business activities (Development, Manufacturing, and Sales of PC Parts and Peripherals such as Memory and Storage)
  • Information obtained through commissioned work
  • Personal information obtained through recruitment applications
Scope of Shared UseKyokuto Trading Co., Ltd.
Data Management ResponsibilityKyokuto Electronics Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Manager

Measures for Safe Management of Personal Information

We implement appropriate safety management measures to prevent loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc., of personal information and manage it strictly.

Provision and Entrustment of Personal Information to Third Parties

We do not provide personal information to third parties without prior consent, except in the following cases:

  1. When required by law
  2. When it is necessary to protect life, body, or property and obtaining consent is difficult
  3. When it is necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children and obtaining consent is difficult
  4. When it is necessary to cooperate with a government agency or local government in executing legally prescribed duties and obtaining consent may hinder the execution of those duties

We may entrust personal information to other businesses within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In such cases, we will select contractors with established personal information protection systems and enter into contracts regarding the protection of personal information.

Disclosure, Complaints, and Consultations Regarding Personal Information

Customers may request notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") of their personal information managed by the Company.
For requests regarding disclosure, etc., please refer to the 'Personal Information Consultation Desk' listed below.

Voluntary Provision of Personal Information

Providing personal information to the Company is voluntary; however, without such information, some services may not be available.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies to make our website more convenient for users.
Cookies are a technology that temporarily writes and stores data on the user's computer through the browser for efficient internet operation and usage measurement.
Cookies identify the user's computer but do not contain personally identifiable information. Users can refuse to accept cookies by changing their browser settings.

Contact for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

Kyokuto Electronics Co., Ltd. Personal Information Consultation Desk
Personal Information Protection Manager: Sun Xu Li

Date of Enactment: April 1, 2022
Kyokuto Electronics Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Sun Xu Li