Photographer: Akihiko Moriwaki

Welcome to the SUNEAST ULTIMATE PRO web page. My name is Akihiko Moriwaki, a professional photographer.

The reason I choose SUNEAST’s memory media is their use of pSLC technology.
For those familiar with digital photography and videography, you’ll know that SD cards and CFexpress Type-B cards come in various types, such as pSLC, MLC, and TLC.
pSLC, or Pseudo Single Level Cell, is a method that simulates single-level cells, offering an excellent balance between performance andcost.
SUNEAST provides a comprehensive range of pSLC-based SDXC and CFexpress Type-B cards, which is why I rely on them in my professional work. My personal favorites are the ULTIMATE PRO UHS-II V90 pSLC 512GB SDXC card and the 640GB pSLC CFexpress Type-B card.

I highly recommend these two types of cards; I believe you will truly appreciate their quality.

Akihiko Moriwaki

@Akihiko Moriwaki

Photographer: Akihiko Moriwaki

Born in 1956 in Okayama Prefecture, Akihiko Moriwaki has made a name for himself in the field of commercial photography, excelling in everything from high-end jewelry photography to female portraits. He is also an active writer for camera magazines, where his uniquely sharp critiques are well-received by readers. Moriwaki is particularly known as a behind-the-scenes authority on image quality, especially since the dawn of digital cameras, where he has seamlessly integrated digital technology into his work.